Hybrid Model
“The fecundity of conjugal love cannot be reduced solely to the procreation of children, but must extend to their moral education and spiritual formation. ‘The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute.’ The right and the duty of parents to educate their children are primordial and inalienable.” CCC 2221
The Catholic Church teaches that parents have the privilege and duty of being the primary educators of their children, particularly in regard to their children’s moral education and spiritual formation. While this beautiful vocation can be properly embraced through various schooling options, many parents are drawn to homeschooling to exercise this parental role more fully. Homeschooling without support and community can, however, feel daunting, and the hybrid model provides many of the benefits of a traditional school while still allowing families to homeschool.
The hybrid model strives to combine “the best of both worlds,” blending full-time homeschooling and traditional schooling. Koinonia Hybrid Academy meets in person on Mondays and Thursdays in a setting similar to a five day a week Catholic school and provides lesson plans for parents to use while educating their children at home on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Our hybrid model supports parents as the primary educators of their children and allows parents to nurture a more deliberate family culture by preserving cherished time together as a family. By meeting in person twice per week, this model of education also provides a classroom experience with social interaction among peers for children as well as structure and support for parents to ensure that their children are receiving a comprehensive education.
Combining the advantages of full-time homeschooling and traditional schooling does, however, require a degree of compromise. In order to provide structure and maintain a level of academic rigor in the school setting and at home, parents must entrust curriculum decisions to us, abide by our policies and procedures, and relinquish some of the flexibility that full-time homeschooling provides. While Koinonia does provide the necessary instruction on two days out of the week and collaboration with parents to help them homeschool, it is also vital that parents assume their role as the primary educators to ensure all lessons and bookwork are completed on home days. The hybrid model is a unique schooling option, and we encourage parents to discern whether God is calling them to educate and form their children through Koinonia’s hybrid model.