Catholic Identity
“Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom.”
- Address of the Pope St. John Paul II to the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Regions of Chicago, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee (USA) on Their “Ad Limina” Visit, May 30, 1998, #3
At Koinonia Hybrid Academy, our identity as Catholics permeates all aspects of our school environment and educational philosophy. Our mission not only involves educating children in the foundations of learning but also forming them in the fullness of the Catholic faith. We believe the two cannot and should not be separated–that a comprehensive education should be oriented toward forming both lifelong learners and lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.
We faithfully and wholeheartedly embrace all that the Catholic Church teaches, both her easily accepted teachings and her counter-cultural teachings. Our students are taught the fullness of truth reached through communion with the Catholic Church, and we also require our staff to sign an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and to provide living examples of faithful obedience to the Catholic Church’s precepts.
Our Catholic identity is woven throughout our school through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, catechesis, liturgical celebrations, training in virtues, and daily prayer. We consider these vital pieces of the religious education we provide to be as much a part of our curriculum as language arts, mathematics, history, or science.
Because being Catholic is such a vital part of our identity, we have submitted our charter, bylaws, and curriculum choices to the Diocese of Nashville to seek permission to name this hybrid school “Koinonia Catholic Academy.” We hope to update our name soon! We have also had several meetings with various members of the Diocese of Nashville including Very Rev. Austin Gilstrap, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Formation, and Shana Druffner, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, to seek counsel on maintaining a positive relationship with the diocese, curriculum choices, and student formation.